
Doing What I Can

I'm trying, every once in awhile, to rock being pregnant. A good friend just gave me this skirt, which is getting me most of the way there. Plus, my old Fluevog motorcycle boots that were very hip when I was 25, and have apparently made it back around a decade later.

(Though here's the sad news...I've expanded enough - in all areas and all directions - that they are so snuggly on my calves I've had to leave them partly unzipped. Also, I've worn this skirt three days in a row, because I'm having trouble bending over to see what's in my drawers. Much easier is what's on top of my dresser from yesterday.)

I feel much less concerned - necessarily - with how I look while I'm pregnant. It's such a lovely time to sink wholeheartedly into yoga pants and stretchy shirts, and into grand plans of post-partum exercise and trainers and regaining what's been lost...but all from the safety of my couch, a bowl of popcorn, and my expanding self.

But still. Occasionally pulling it all together while simultaneously incubating a person feels damn good.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, you are beautiful -- and rockin' what you got quite well. `Nuff said.
