I just finished watching 'Twilight: Eclipse' with Jess, it was our secret afternoon movie date for the third installment of the Twilight series. We read the books together, feverishly passing them back and forth to each other before the full fledged twi-hard phenomena.
I will admit I LOVED the books and imagined myself as the teen angsty Bella Swan, panting over perfect Edward and hot and sweaty Jacob.

I also loved those crazy creatures of the night in early high school when I dyed my hair black, brooding and listening to Bauhaus. I shelved the vamps though, until Twilight fever. I was a johnny-come-lately to the 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' series, but after finishing 'Twilight' I watched the entire series via Hulu and LOVED! I have read all the Sookie books, too and I am enjoying True Blood (who could not love Mr. Northman?) Where will it end...!?

fanged favorites Angel and Spike from Buffy, and Eric Northman from True Blood
Proof of full vamp appreciation:

Last year's halloween costumes: my shirt says "only a vampire can love you forever,"
hubby's shirt says "fangtasia, life begins at night."
All found at (dare I say), Hot Topic
So Eclipse was, as expected, totally fun and followed the book nicely. Edward and Jacob (of course) were terribly hot and drool-worthy. Edward smolders, Jacob never has his shirt on. The big question following the movie: are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Men over 35, this one is for you: I think I am Team Charlie.
Who is Charlie, you ask? Bella's hot DAD. Not of the fanged variety at all and keeps all his clothes on. I am totally team Charlie! He's cute, in great shape, funny and a good dad (or at least plays one). Could this be a sign of maturity?

And I even kinda dig that mustache. Go Team Charlie!
A friend of mine recently started schtupping a 26 year old and I think, "gasp! 26! Such a BABY!" and then I think, "omg, what the hell is happening to me?"