my sister, age 3-ish
It turns out it’s quite humbling to look at pictures of yourself frequently. This, I’m thinking, is probably the reason we usually don’t.
(Sidenote: it’s giving me new respect for celebrities who are photographed anytime they they leave their house, even to take out the garbage.)
But it’s been helpful also, and I’ve learned a few things that seemed worth sharing:
1. I could wear tighter things on top. I feel – say it with me, ladies – sort of jiggly in the middle (those damn kids) and so usually hide that with long/empire-waist/ thick/ blousy/ baggy-type tops. But I’m thinking I could go a bit tighter and still be OK.
2. Low cut jeans are simply not for me. I must stop.
3. Wear better shoes. This is a long-term goal of mine, since way back when I was 22 and went to my first day working at a high school, and the receptionist asked me if my parents had come to register me and I realized that in terms of setting yourself apart from the teenagers, it’s all about the shoes. I’m trying to wean myself from the daily clog wear, while being sure not to let it turn into daily Uggs wear.
4. My legs are not quite as long and slender as I have – up to now – believed them to be. They are certainly long-ish, and slender-ish. Maybe it’s just a matter of adjusting my mental picture a bit.
5. Shorter skirts are better on me. Above the knee. Below the thigh. A delicate balance, for sure, but attainable.
6. As both my sisters mentioned when I bought my new brown boots this winter, higher ones might have been better. They do hit me a bit funny on the calf. Auxiliary lesson to go along: do what my sisters say.
7. My hair does not look great pulled straight back into a ponytail. Thought that was my best look. It’s not.
8. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Say it again with me, nice and loud. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Target is good, Target is cheap. Target cannot be the main source of my wardrobe just because I can come home with 15 new items for under $50.
9. Right alongside that note is the one about spending money on something I love and will wear until it is rags. I come by cheapness honestly - my mother took us shopping at our local Goodwill(s) for new school clothes, so I am down with thrifting and thrifti-ness. But sometimes (I’M SORRY, MOM) it is worth spending a little more cash.
10. Take more risks. Self, I know you feel like even a day without black is as if you’ve made a trip to the moon, but you could go further. Higher. More colorful. Patterns, even. Just try.
Is there anything I missed? Go on...you know I can take it.
ReplyDeleteThis is your Mom speaking. First, I love your hair straight back in a ponytail and do think it's your best look. And second, contrary to your popular opinion, we NEVER shopped for new school clothes in Goodwill. Don't you remember all those years in adjoining dressing rooms prancing in front of the mirror and trying to see how far your dollars would go? And the year Ali used it all on shoes? Goodwill for other times but not for "new" school clothes. Really...Mom
ReplyDelete1. you are hot.
2. you are even hotter when you factor in the whole "she had 2 kids thing"
3. your legs are long and slender
4. i find myself saying obnoxious things about women who wear really low cut jeans (even those obscenely skinny girls) - it is just not ok to see that part of your body
5. i have recently realized that more expensive shoes are simply more comfortable. if i can spend it on a pair of danskos i can spend it on dress shoes. ok not really, i still search for those bargains at DSW but i try to find bargains not just $15 shoes at target anymore.
6. miss you and love your blog
hugs, becca
mom! becca! a banner day when we get comments from both of you! becca, i'm more inclined to agree with you than mom on this one, and i miss you too. when are you going to write a post for us? and mom...TOTALLY shopped at goodwill for school clothes, once we'd blown our allotted $$ at TJ Maxx. Remember those fights over if one sweatshirt with the all-important, very expensive Benetton logo would suffice as my "warm thing" through the entire winter? xoxo to both of you - so glad you're here....jess
ReplyDeleteonce again, my long lost never-knew-it-to-be-true soul sister, i hear you. on all counts. target. argh. must stop!
ReplyDeletehusband: "that's a big pile of new clothes you've got there."
me: "i know, i know. i went overboard. but you know me, half of it will go back."
husband: "only to be replaced by more of the same items only in different colors? is that the kind of return we're talking about?"
the other night, i stacked up some tee's in what i wish was a california closet and had to check my age on my driver's license when i saw that they were ALL old navy, mossimo or american eagle. um, age much?
you'd think, the way i currently dress, that i was headed to a free period at emory...maybe gonna catch a quick game of four square. scratch that, maybe i'm going to teach a math class. a slightly amped up version of leroyer. oy.
i kid, i'm a kidder. it's not that bad. but it's also not that good.
but your mom and becca are correct: ponytail, good. jess, lovely as ever.
with a hive five from maine,