I have two sisters. They are both young and beautiful and very stylish.
That doesn't seem fair, does it?
Anyway, I get most of my good clothes from whatever they give away. And when we're all together, I always feel a bit stressed about keeping up, in the looking-snazzy department. I mean, I have those kids and that post-kid body, and my love of clogs, and my functional wardrobe, and a good six years on the closest one. I am definitely the least glam-o-rama of the three.
I could go on about how I was born in the 70's, which I think may make it slightly impossible (having grown up with 80's stonewash and 90's flannel) to be intuitively stylish, or about how my mother always dressed me like a lumberjack, but it's beside the point. I have two fab sisters, and while enjoying quality time with them I also like to nick some of their good fashion ideas.
(And, I know I'm doing well if they like something I have!)
So last weekend the one sister and I dumped my kids on our parents, and headed south together to visit the third sister. When she picked us up at the airport,
we were all wearing the same aviator shades.
I did some recon for good spring-wear:

(Not so sure about these Urban Outfitter shoes...do they give her hobbit toes?)

We spent most of our time eating chinese food in our pajamas while watching romantic comedies for the fourth or fifth time, and getting held up in our attempts to leave the house by trying on each other's shoes and pants and accessories, but when we did venture out it was to flea market.

Check out what we found:

(I like that bright skinny belt)

(I look about 15 months pregnant here...damn empire waist shirts)
We all liked this pair of sunglasses, so did a little photo contest to see who they looked best on.

The middle picture won, she bought the shades, and we went back to our pajamas and movies.
chel, those shoes are APPALLING! Everything else is lovely.