(So you don't get bored of us, every week we post something sent to us by a reader or coerced out of friends and family. Could be a question, a letter, a poll, a picture...we're flexible. See below for this week's If You Show Me Yours post, and see the sidebar for info about how to participate!)

Dear HHAA,
I'm in the market for a good pair of winter boots that can withstand Chicago winters and look somewhat fashionable. I noticed some fellow commuters wearing Bogs. Even though the neoprene reminds of the bag I use to carry my daughter's bottles, I like the fun designs. I got hesitant, however, when I saw some tweens wearing them.
So I'd like your sartorial verdict on Bogs: Are they age-appropriate for a 36-year-old working mom with a size 8.5 foot?
Getting the Boot
P.S. Here's a no-risk alternative, but where's the fun in that?

Hey there, Gettin' the Boot!
We did some on-the-ground research about your question, as we have had a rugged winter ourselves and could certainly benefit from good boots that cover for rain and snow. (I personally think they're fabulous - but I frequently find myself wearing the same shoes as my 17 year old babysitter, so what do I know?!)
Amazingly enough, we found an entire family of Bog-wearers in our town - both parents, and both kids. They agreed to take the boots out for a spin on a wretchedly rainy day so we could not only document the style, but also the function. They stood in puddles. They jumped in the rain. They walked in mud. They went ankle-deep in a flooded river.
They were dry. AND, they looked good.
Wear away, we say! And go for the tall ones, for sure. We'd wear them with a short skirt and good tights, and would crow to everyone about our dry, warm feet. However, we would follow the advice of this family - make sure you don't match designs with any children or tweens in your circle.
Let us know what you decide -
The HHAA Ladies
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