I recently learned from Denise that a woman my age should always have a little something on her lips.
A sprinkling of remaining dust from her latest bag of Dorito's, I wondered?
Apparently not - apparently lipstick/lip gloss/lip balm/lip smackers/lip whatever is what it should be. Now I will say that I am a bit slow in the makeup department because, well, my mother never taught me how to. Isn't that where you're supposed to learn about makeup? I am a
ddicted to the Blistex green tube lip stuff, but that's not really it either. Still, Denise wears some great, subtle lip color, so I trust her.
I did a little background research and polled friends - lots of different opinions there. I tried on some of their lip-whatevers, to see what I could tolerate. It turns out my threshold is low. I bite my lips. I forget to re-apply. I am unfortunately prone to color on my teeth. And I don't like for my lips to feel...wet. So I'm a bit picky. But, I'm here is what I just bought and LOVE:
It's about $4, which is hugely reasonable (and a requirement because I lose lip items so quickly, to those little gremlins I share a house with). The color is subtle, but definitely there. It stays on, even through aggressive lip-biting. And here's a little secret: it makes me feel kind of...hot. Is this why people wear makeup?!

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